Exciting news! The Cidi Labs DesignPLUS Sidebar has been upgraded to provide more durable and flexible elements as well as new styling features and tools. If you'd like to explore these enhancements, you can activate the new sidebar for yourself.
Please note that existing Bruin Learn pages built with the legacy sidebar will need to be upgraded for compatibility. This process may result in minor formatting changes to your course pages. Since many course sites use DesignPLUS for page styling and functionality (e.g. homepage links to modules, custom headers in Discussions and Assignments), it’s important to review your course content for potential updates.
- June 2, 2025:
- All Fall Bruin Learn course sites will default to the New Sidebar.
- Instructors can manually switch back to the legacy sidebar if needed.
- December 31, 2025:
- Cidi Labs will end support for the legacy sidebar.
- Legacy content will continue to display correctly, but future Canvas updates may impact functionality. It's recommended to transition and update content before this date.
- After December 31, 2025
- The legacy sidebar will no longer be available. Editing any content built with the legacy Sidebar after this point will require upgrading it to the new Sidebar first. Legacy content will continue to operate as expected after this date as long as no DesignPLUS changes are required.
How Do I Know If I Need to Upgrade Content?
While you may not be aware of this, your course will likely have some DesignPLUS functionality. One quick way to determine this is by using the Course Upgrade Tool below to scan your course and determine if any content uses the legacy Sidebar. You can also refer to this video, Upgrade to the DesignPlus New Sidebar in Bruin Learn, for examples on courses with DesignPLUS elements and a step-by-step process for upgrading your course. The upgrade process should not take any longer than a few minutes.
If you do not use elements beyond text, links, or video to communicate with your students, your content will continue to display as expected.
Request a Sandbox site
If you would like to test your course content in a safe environment beforehand, please request a sandbox using this form and a sandbox will be provided to you.
When you receive your sandbox site, you can import one of your courses. Then, choose from one of the upgrade options below.
How to Upgrade Course Content
There are two methods for upgrading course content built with the legacy Sidebar. If you copy your course content from term to term, you will only have to complete this upgrade once.
It is important to note that you must first upgrade the legacy Sidebar from any edit page within your course to conduct these upgrades.
By opening the Sidebar from your Course Settings page in Bruin Learn, the new Sidebar will prompt you to scan your course from one place and address each upgrade required. This process is ideal for users who would like to start the term using the new Sidebar rather than addressing upgrades as they go.
Please refer to this short video walkthrough, Upgrade to the DesignPlus New Sidebar in Bruin Learn, for step-by-step instructions or follow the information in this guide: New Sidebar Course Upgrade User Guide
It is important to note that you must first upgrade the legacy Sidebar from any edit page within your course to conduct these upgrades.
When you edit any page in your Bruin Learn course with legacy content, the new Sidebar will prompt you to upgrade that content and reload the page. This process is ideal for users who want to remediate content as needed rather than updating all course pages at once.
Please refer to the information in this guide: New Sidebar Page Upgrade User Guide for step-by-step instructions.
Additional Resources
- Video: Upgrade to the DesignPlus New Sidebar in Bruin Learn
- Sandbox Request Form
- Bruin Learn Center of Excellence DesignPLUS Service Page
- Cidi Labs [New] DesignPLUS User Guide
- Cidi Labs [New] Sidebar FAQ
- Cidi Labs DesignPLUS Sidebar Training Resources
- Sign up for eight daily DesignPLUS Training Videos via Email
For assistance with the DesignPLUS Sidebar or migrating your content, contact your local support or the Bruin Learn Center of Excellence at bruinlearn-support@it.ucla.edu.