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Poll Everywhere


Poll Everywhere is an audience polling tool that is integrated in specific Bruin Learn courses (based on department licensing). Poll Everywhere enables participants to respond to live polling questions. Instructors can use Poll Everywhere to build interactive polling activities for their classes. Students are able to access and vote on polls using their smartphones (SMS - text messaging supported) or computers.

Primary Benefits

  • Instructors can create polls with many different activity types, including multiple choice questions, word clouds, open-ended questions, clickable image questions, ranking, Q&A, and surveys.
  • Poll Everywhere provides plug-ins and extensions for PowerPoint and Google Slides, enabling seamless integration of Poll Everywhere directly into your presentation slides.
  • Students can respond to poll questions via a link to the web poll or via SMS text message responses.
  • Instructors can sync their course roster and export grades using the Poll Everywhere integration in Bruin Learn.
  • Instructors can set an activity to be completely anonymous or choose to hide screen names for participants.


Poll Everywhere is a service limited to specific departments:

DGIT and the Anderson School of Management. Both departments have purchased a Poll Everywhere license for their faculty. If your department is interested in a Poll Everywhere license, please reach out to to inquire about a departmental license. 

If Poll Everywhere is not available for your department, try using iClicker.



















LTI Functionality
LTI Scope

LTI Scope Definitions

  • Campuswide - LTI tools are available in any Bruin Learn course.
  • Sub-account - LTI tools have limited availability. These are often requested and funded by specific divisions, departments, or courses. These LTIs can be found by filtering via Status =  "Available at a Cost."
LTI Status

LTI Status Definitions

  • Requested - Requested tools are in the earliest phases for inclusion in Bruin Learn. This phase includes learning more about the functionality, supplier, costs, support options, existing campus or UC licensing agreements, etc.
  • In Review - The LTI tool is undergoing review by multiple stakeholders, including software advisory workgroups, security, accessibility, funding, data use and privacy, and UCLA Purchasing.
  • On Hold - The LTI tool process is on hiatus for any number of reasons, including: remediation of accessibility, security, data use and privacy concerns; identifying available funding sources; negotiations with the supplier; re-consideration of the original need, etc.
  • Approved - The LTI tool process has been approved and preparation for installation is underway. Prior to availability, post-approval work may include resolving technical integration issues, developing training, etc. 
  • Available - The LTI tool process is installed and available for general use in Bruin Learn.
  • Available at a cost - The LTI tool has been reviewed and approved and is available for purchase by units requiring the functionality the tool provides.
  • Contact ASUCLA Bookstore - Publisher-related LTI tools are obtained through the ASUCLA Bookstore.