iClicker is an audience polling tool that is integrated in Bruin Learn. Instructors can use the iClicker software to ask students questions during class. Students respond to iClicker polls using either a physical iClicker remote or the iClicker Student Mobile App or Web App. In-class polling results can be displayed immediately once the poll is closed.
Primary Benefits
- In-class polling
- Results are available immediately once a poll is closed
- Questions can be prepared in advance or posed in real time
- Responses can be synchronized with the student roster and gradebook in Bruin Learn
- Students participate using an iClicker device or with a mobile device or laptop using their iClicker Student app
iClicker is paid for by the University. It is available to instructors and students at no cost starting Summer 2023.
Students: Get Started with iClicker Cloud
Starting Summer 2023, the iClicker Student Mobile App/Web App will be free for students.
Create an iClicker Student Account
To sign in and create your iClicker Student account:
- Create an iClicker student account through the campus portal Students are now able to sign in to the UCLA campus portal using Single Sign-On. When you first sign in to the UCLA campus portal as a student, you have three options:
- Option 1: Linking your official institution account - iClicker will check if you have used an existing account with an official UCLA email and automatically sign you in.
- Option 2: Linking and updating a non-official account - If you have an iClicker account that is not associated with an official UCLA email, iClicker will prompt you to connect it with your UCLA campus portal sign-in.
- Option 3: Create an account
Use the Student App or Web App to Participate in iClicker Activities
- iClicker Student Mobile App via the App Store or Google Play
- Access the iClicker Student Web App (Select University of California Los Angeles through the Campus Portal)
Join Your Instructor’s iClicker Cloud Course
Your instructor will likely use the Roster and Grade sync option to connect the iClicker Cloud course to Bruin Learn. If you have an iClicker Cloud Student account and it is set up correctly (see section above), you will be added to your instructor’s iClicker Cloud course automatically. When you sign into the iClicker Student Mobile App or the Web App, you will see that you’re added to your instructor’s iClicker Cloud course listed under Courses.
Alternatively, your instructor may provide a Join Code that you can use to access the course using the Student Mobile App or Web App.
Connecting to Classroom Wifi
When using the iClicker Student Mobile app or the Web app, It is recommended to connect to the eduroam network. When signing into eduroam, use your UCLA Logon ID with @ucla.edu appended to it as your username (UCLALogonID@ucla.edu) and your usual UCLA Logon password. If you encounter any issues connecting to eduroam, please refer to the troubleshooting tips in the following article: Connecting to a campus wireless network.
Participate in iClicker Cloud Polling, Quizzes, and Assignments
Review the following guides to learn how to participate in iClicker Cloud activities.
- Participate in a Poll with the iClicker Student App
- Participate in a Quiz with the iClicker Student App
- Complete an Assignment in the iClicker Student App
- View Class History and Session Results in the iClicker Student App
- Use Study Tools in the iClicker Student App After Class
iClicker Remotes
If your instructor requires the use of iClicker remotes, make sure to register your iClicker remote with your iClicker Cloud Student account.
Respond to iClicker Cloud activities using your iClicker remote.
- bruinlearn-support@it.ucla.edu
- Bruin Learn Office Hours
- IT Services Help Desk
- iClicker Customer Support
Additional Resources for Students
Instructors: Get Started with iClicker Cloud
Review the steps below to learn how to start using iClicker Cloud for your course. Many of the linked resources in this guide are part of a larger more comprehensive guide - Instructor Checklist: Getting Started with iClicker Cloud. Each link below will take you to a support article on that specific topic.
iClicker Cloud Instructor Training
Before Class
- Create your iClicker Cloud account
- Create an iClicker Cloud account through the campus portal Instructors and students are now able to sign in to iClicker UCLA campus portal using Single Sign-On. When you first sign in to the iClicker campus portal, you have three options:
- Option 1: Linking your official institution account - iClicker will check if you have used an existing account with an official UCLA email and automatically sign you in.
- Option 2: Linking and updating a non-official account - If you have an iClicker account that is not associated with an official UCLA email, iClicker will prompt you to connect it with your UCLA campus portal sign-in.
- Option 3: Create an account.
- Troubleshooting Tip: Why am I seeing a blank page when I try to create my iClicker account?
- Download the iClicker Cloud Desktop Software
2) Create your iClicker Cloud course and sync your Roster with your Bruin Learn course site
- How to Create a Course in iClicker Cloud
- How to Manage iClicker Cloud Course Settings
- Instructor Guide: iClicker Cloud Roster & Grade Sync with Canvas (this guide will demonstrate how to sync your Bruin Learn roster and gradebook with your iClicker course)
3) Information to send to your students
- Direct students to the Students: Get Started with iClicker Cloud information on this page
- Optional: Share your iClicker Join Code with your students, so your students can quickly access your iClicker course
- How to Participate in a Poll with the iClicker Student App
During Class
4) Build polling activities
After Class Sessions
5) Syncing grades to Bruin Learn
Additional Resources for Instructors
- How to Grade and View Polling Results on the iClicker Cloud Instructor Website
- How to share your iClicker course with a co-instructor or TA
- Using a Base Station
- How to Use an iClicker Base and Instructor Remote in iClicker Cloud
- iClicker Cloud Course Settings (Select Devices > Mobile Devices & iClicker Remotes and set your base station frequency)
Support for Instructors
LTI Scope Definitions
- Campuswide - LTI tools are available in any Bruin Learn course.
- Sub-account - LTI tools have limited availability. These are often requested and funded by specific divisions, departments, or courses. These LTIs can be found by filtering via Status = "Available at a Cost."
LTI Status Definitions
- Requested - Requested tools are in the earliest phases for inclusion in Bruin Learn. This phase includes learning more about the functionality, supplier, costs, support options, existing campus or UC licensing agreements, etc.
- In Review - The LTI tool is undergoing review by multiple stakeholders, including software advisory workgroups, security, accessibility, funding, data use and privacy, and UCLA Purchasing.
- On Hold - The LTI tool process is on hiatus for any number of reasons, including: remediation of accessibility, security, data use and privacy concerns; identifying available funding sources; negotiations with the supplier; re-consideration of the original need, etc.
- Approved - The LTI tool process has been approved and preparation for installation is underway. Prior to availability, post-approval work may include resolving technical integration issues, developing training, etc.
- Available - The LTI tool process is installed and available for general use in Bruin Learn.
- Available at a cost - The LTI tool has been reviewed and approved and is available for purchase by units requiring the functionality the tool provides.
- Contact ASUCLA Bookstore - Publisher-related LTI tools are obtained through the ASUCLA Bookstore.