Kaltura is a video hosting and streaming service integrated with Bruin Learn which connects to "My Media" and "Media Gallery.” It is available for faculty and students to use in their courses, without restrictions to file size or storage limits. Kaltura is the recommended tool for storing and sharing media, offering automatically generated captions, enhancing accessibility for all users.
Primary Benefits
Kaltura video, audio, and images can be embedded anywhere within a Bruin Learn course where the Rich Content Editor (RCE) is available. This includes Pages, Assignments, Quizzes, Announcements, and Discussions.
Zoom cloud recordings are automatically copied to Kaltura and are available indefinitely, (Zoom cloud videos will auto-delete after 120 days after they have been recorded). These recordings are stored privately, and can be found with the rest of your media under the Account menu in Bruin Learn, inside “My Media.”
Kaltura media can be published and made available in the Media Gallery section of a course. This includes videos, video playlists, and video quizzes. You can also use the browser based Quick Recorder or the desktop Kaltura Capture app to create and edit new media.
Kaltura is paid for by the University. It is available to instructors and students at no cost.
Additional Resources for Instructors
- How do I add videos in Bruin Learn using Kaltura?
- What’s New in Kaltura LTI 1.3?
- Change Ownership or Add Collaborators to Media in Kaltura
- How to record and share a Zoom Lecture or Meeting (with captions and transcripts)
- How to create a Kaltura Video Quiz
- How to Troubleshoot Videos to fix Access Denied and Other Errors
Additional Resources for Students
LTI Scope Definitions
- Campuswide - LTI tools are available in any Bruin Learn course.
- Sub-account - LTI tools have limited availability. These are often requested and funded by specific divisions, departments, or courses. These LTIs can be found by filtering via Status = "Available at a Cost."
LTI Status Definitions
- Requested - Requested tools are in the earliest phases for inclusion in Bruin Learn. This phase includes learning more about the functionality, supplier, costs, support options, existing campus or UC licensing agreements, etc.
- In Review - The LTI tool is undergoing review by multiple stakeholders, including software advisory workgroups, security, accessibility, funding, data use and privacy, and UCLA Purchasing.
- On Hold - The LTI tool process is on hiatus for any number of reasons, including: remediation of accessibility, security, data use and privacy concerns; identifying available funding sources; negotiations with the supplier; re-consideration of the original need, etc.
- Approved - The LTI tool process has been approved and preparation for installation is underway. Prior to availability, post-approval work may include resolving technical integration issues, developing training, etc.
- Available - The LTI tool process is installed and available for general use in Bruin Learn.
- Available at a cost - The LTI tool has been reviewed and approved and is available for purchase by units requiring the functionality the tool provides.
- Contact ASUCLA Bookstore - Publisher-related LTI tools are obtained through the ASUCLA Bookstore.