Bruin Learn / Canvas SIS Integration will undergo scheduled enhancement on TBD. Now, UNEX Concurrent Enrollment students, as well as their instructors, will see their Bruin Learn enrollments kept in sync automatically for both their main academic course sites as well as associated TA Sites.
Bruin Learn / Canvas SIS Integration underwent scheduled enhancement on Tuesday, December 19, 2023. Now, new affiliates who create their UCLA Logon IDs long after their official enrollments have been input in SIS will be enrolled as expected in Bruin Learn soon after UCLA Logon ID creation.
Bruin Learn / Canvas SIS Integration will undergo scheduled enhancement on TBD. Now, if a Bruin Learn Course site gets reset and then published by the instructor soon afterward, the student enrollments will provision as expected.
Bruin Learn / Canvas SIS Integration underwent scheduled enhancement on Sunday, December 31, 2023 (for Students). This enables people in our community to be recognized by their lived names in Bruin Learn.
Zoom / Kaltura will undergo scheduled enhancement on TBD (during the week of December 18-22, 2023). With this change, Alternative Hosts in a Zoom meeting will be added as co-editors/co-publishers for any Zoom cloud recordings that are transferred to Kaltura.
iClicker underwent scheduled enhancement on Tuesday, December 19, 2023. iClicker Classic has been phased out and replaced by iClicker Cloud, so instructors no longer need the iClicker Registration LTI available in Bruin Learn. With this change, there will be less confusion about using the iClicker Registration LTI.
Perusall underwent scheduled maintenance on Thursday, December 21, 2023. With these new features enabled, instructors can select a Canvas Page or a File to import to Perusall to use as a Perusall assignment.
Bruin Learn / UCLA Media Reserves LTI Integration underwent scheduled enhancement on Monday, December 18, 2023. Previously, only one playback timestamp would appear per multimedia stream, persistent across all users and devices. Now, each user will correctly be able to keep track of where they individually left off during playback, on a per-device basis.
MyUCLA Gradebook underwent scheduled enhancement on Friday, December 8, 2023. Instructors will no longer need to manually create a custom grading scheme in MyUCLA to match one configured in Bruin Learn, saving time and improving consistency between the platforms.
Peerceptiv underwent scheduled enhancement on Tuesday, November 21, 2023. Peerceptiv delivers peer review assessment functionality that is more configurable and robust than what is currently available in the Canvas Assignments tool.